Two Testaments in Two Diagrams

Learn the whole bible by mastering two simple diagrams.

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Ever feel like the Bible is a vast puzzle missing pieces?

The Two-Page Bible is a six-session course designed around 2 stunning infographics. We take one bible, break it down into two pages, and break those down into six chunks. See how each piece, from Genesis to Revelation, fits into the breathtaking mosaic of God's story. Each session comes with a YouTube Video and a guide to work through. Why not start by checking out the course or guide below?

  • Daniele Bocchetti

    Kaziro’s broad outline enables the reader to locate the more unfamiliar and “obscure” parts of the Bible as acts in the redemptive drama of Scripture.

  • Sarah Witherden

    I can find just reading the Bible overwhelming and often would stop due to not understanding. Joel takes what can feel confusing from scripture and put its into context.

  • Duncan Dean

    This is a real gift to the church. The two page bible makes the whole narrative arc of scripture accessible, without watering or dumbing it down.

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Unravel the Bible's Big Story in Two Stunning Infographics

Ditch the confusion and discover the Bible's breathtaking narrative from Genesis to Revelation with our stunning infographic posters, stickers or books.

Let’s break down the Bible into bite-sized chunks and walk from Genesis to Revelation.

Just fancy the two pages? Grab a stunning poster or sticker

Put them on your wall, in your Bible, or both. Pick up a poster or a sticker today. Look at the benefits:

  • A clear and concise visual map: Never get lost in the vast landscape of the Bible again.
  • Chronological book order: Trace the story of scripture from its beginnings to its end.
  • Key historical events: Gain context and understanding of the biblical world.

References never looked so simple.